Tips for your wedding day
In these never ending changing times, tradition seems to be a thing of the past for some people.
Having worked in the profession for a good few years now, We have come across some handy tips and thought we would share them with you…
So here are my top 10 tips
Email your save the dates.
Ditch the favours. An expense you can do without..
Do your research on venues. Sometimes Hotels provide a better service and value for your Money…
Book a venue you can get married at and have your reception
Track your spending, going over budget is not necessary, keep a log of what you spend
Invite close family and friends to the ceremony, party for all later…
Wedding cake?… Cup cakes are cheaper and nicer or a smaller cake and cupcakes.
Arrival drinks, really no need, save the pennies.
3 course meal? have an open buffet.
Do the speeches before you eat, Its nerve raking enough having to stand up and say your bit, get it over and done with first, then you can enjoy the rest of the the party
We have lots more but for now that is our tips for Saturday.. Have a beautiful day, call us if you need any advise or guidance,